Jindal plans to talk about Trump to ensure media will cover him
08/10/2015   By Neetzan Zimmerman | The Hill
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Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announced a new strategy Monday in an attempt to siphon some news media attention from Donald Trump and to his own struggling campaign: Talk about Donald Trump.

“I realize that the best way to make news is to mention Donald Trump. That’s the gold standard for making news,” the Republican presidential candidate wrote in an email to supporters. “So, I’ve decided to randomly put his name into my remarks at various points, thereby ensuring that the news media will cover what I have to say.”

Jindal’s email goes on to slam the media for “hoping for Republican on Republican attacks” while ignoring the Democratic primary and its front-runner, who "is under investigation by the FBI.”

"Let’s tell the truth here — this crop of Democrat candidates is terribly weak. It’s a joke. It’s a complete disaster for the Democrat Party,” the email concludes. "Also ... did I mention Donald Trump?"

Jindal is polling at 1.3 percent nationwide, according to the RealClearPolitics average — well behind Trump, who captures 24.3 percent of respondents, per RCP. 

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), another candidate for the GOP presidential nomination who is trailing Trump by double digits, is also hoping to hitch his wagon to the businessman’s media stardom.

In an email to reporters Monday afternoon, Paul announced plans to host a conference call exclusively "to discuss Donald Trump's problematic conservative record." 


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