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By Civil Rights
序:穆斯林在美国目前占人口3%-5%,本文系列是基于在美国不同州和城市所发生的日常生活中的小事情,来看看穆斯林是怎么融入美国的。请欣赏下文。 读此文前,请耐心看完这个3'28” 的视频。【1】 该视频发生在2010年5月10日,那天犹太老头David Horowitz 受邀在UCSD 的“希特勒青年”周作讲座,在Q/A 时一个穆斯林女生对他提问。 David Horowitz 是谁?78岁,毕业于Columbia (BA) 和 UC Berkeley(MA), 犹太人。父母曾是美国的共产党党员,年轻时他是左派,后来变成保守派,是位教授兼名作家。【2】 这个穆斯林女学生是 Jumanah Imad Albahri , 曾是UCSD 穆斯林学生会(MSA)的Communication director。称她为MSA 女吧。【3】 1. 情景回放【4】 中文简单翻译一下,英文报道在中文后面,感兴趣的朋友可以读英文。 犹太老头参加UCSD的“希特勒青年周”,同时受邀作讲座的还有Norman Finkelstein,大名鼎鼎的反犹太人的人物。在讲座中,发生的以下对话。 MSA女:你能够给出MSA跟恐怖分子网络有勾结的证据。 老头:我这么问你一个问题吧,我是个犹太人,真主党领袖说过,我们犹太人应该都到以色列去,这样他就不需要满世界猎杀我们了,你是支持还是反对? MSA女: 支持(杀光犹太人)! 英文报道: During the Question and Answer period Horowitz had a chilling exchange with a member of the MSA in which he prodded her to reveal the depraved depths of her Jew-hatred. What's shocking is not so much that she holds such views, but rather that she was willing to admit it. MSA member: Good evening, I just wanted to say thank you for coming to campus tonight and presenting your point of view, its always important to have two sets of, ah, views going on at the same time. Um, very useful. My name is Jumanah Imad Albahri and I'm a student here at UCSD. Ah I was reading your literature, I found that much more interesting than your talk, and I found some interesting things about the MSA, which is an organization that is very active on campus and is hosting our annual "Hitler Youth" week, you should come out to those events. Um, if you could clarify the connection between the MSA and Jihad terrorist networks, because last time I checked, we had to do our own fundraising, and we never get help from anyone. So if you could clarify the connection between UCSD's MSA or if you don't have such information, if you could connect other MSA's on UC's, because the connection wasn’t to clear in the pamphlet, just if you could clarify. Horowitz: Okay. Will you condemn Hamas, here and now? MSA member: I'm sorry, what? Horowitz: Will you condemn Hamas? MSA member: Would I condemn Hamas? Horowitz: As a terrorist organization. Genocidal organization. MSA member: Are you asking me to put myself on a cross? Horowitz: So you won't. I have actually had this experience many times. You didn’t actually read the pamphlet, because the pamphlet is chapter and verse. The main connection is that the MSA is part of the Muslim Brotherhood Network as revealed... MSA member: I don't think you understood what I meant by that. I meant if I say something, I am sure that I will be arrested, for reasons of homeland security. So if you could please just answer my question. Horowitz: If you condemn Hamas, Homeland Security will arrest you? MSA member: If I support Hamas, because your question forces me to condemn Hamas. If I support Hamas, I look really bad. Horowitz: If you don't condemn Hamas, obviously you support it. Case closed. I have had this experience at UC Santa Barbara, where there were 50 members of the Muslim Students Association sitting right in the rows there. And throughout my hour talk I kept asking them, will you condemn Hizbollah and Hamas. And none of them would. And then when the question period came, the president of the Muslim Students Association was the first person to ask a question. And I said, "Before you start, will you condemn Hizbollah? And he said, 'Well, that question is too complicated for a yes or no answer.' So I said, 'Okay, I'll put it to you this way. I am a Jew. The head of Hizbollah has said that he hopes that we will gather in Israel so he doesn’t have to hunt us down globally. For or Against it? MSA member: For it. Horowitz: Thank you for coming and showing everybody who're here. 2. 穆斯林女学生有代表性 这个UCSD穆斯林女大学生以及教授提到的 UCSB 的50个穆斯林学生,大概都是美国长大的,但是他们无一例外,都拒绝谴责国际公认的穆斯林恐怖组织。平时他们看着可能都是很温和的,上学、聊天、锻炼、旅游,等等,你看不出来他们不温和,有“暴力恐怖”倾向。 可是,你绝对不能问他们一些他们不愿意回答的问题,问了,他不知道怎么回答,说“是”,不行;说“不是”,也不行。比如,有人给出“穆斯林38问”【5】,如果你有那个胆量,拿其中几个问问你那些“温和”的穆斯林同学、同事、朋友。“温和”,是因为机会不到,机会到了,大家就看不到他们的“温和”了。 教授提到的两个穆斯林组织,一个是哈马斯,一个是黎巴嫩的真主党,两个都是世界公认的恐怖组织,都跟穆斯林兄弟会瓜葛不少。【6】 3. 穆斯林学生会是不是恐怖组织 美加高校MSA众多,MSA到底是不是跟恐怖组织网络有勾结?咱们看看维基百科。【7】 MSA是一个致力于在美加高校建立并发展伊斯兰社会的宗教组织,成立于1963年,目前MSA组织贯穿美加全境,多次受到安全部门的监督调查,如纽约警察局(NYPD)。 小小的学生会为什么会被政府安全部门监督及调查?因为尾巴不干不净,出恐怖分子及与恐怖组织有联系! 经过几十年的发展,目前MSA组织的成员基本上都是穆斯林移民在美加生长的2-3代穆斯林,从小在美加接受的西方民主教育,大家一定纳闷这些小穆斯林从哪里得到的对犹太人的仇恨。 看看德州大学 Univ of Texas Arlington 2017年2月15日的一个报道:【8】 穆斯林学生会的女穆斯林学生扬言要“把犹太人塞进烤箱烤”,他们认为希特勒对犹太人的大屠杀是假的,并且认为“杀的太少”。 这些小穆斯林在社交媒体上的言语可是一点不温和,对犹太人的仇恨似乎自生而来,跟在美国加拿大生长及教育一点关系都没有。 穆斯林学生会作为穆斯林兄弟会的左膀右臂,是不是恐怖组织的一部份,大家读读这篇文章:【9】 文中提到MSA的创建者们,主席们参加了不同的恐怖组织及活动。 4. 小穆斯林的仇恨从何而来 看看2002年fox news 的报道【10】,Washington Post 记者采访了美国的不同的穆斯林学校,包括幼儿园、小学、中学、高中,所看到的是教科书的“穆斯林,主的仆人,这是躲藏在我后面的犹太人,你们过来,杀了他”,不同年龄、年级的穆斯林孩子表示“在穆斯林学校受到的教育是不要喜欢基督徒、犹太人,以及什叶派穆斯林”,“对kuffar (卡非尔,穆斯林对非穆斯林人士的蔑称),你们可以伤害他及偷拿他的物品”。 在美国的穆斯林学校,墙上挂着的地图没有以色列,以色列的位置以“巴勒斯坦”取代。